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Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

I am going to share with you an anti-aging skincare routine. This is for all of you who are about like 35 and older, so essentially of my age and older than me. Those of you with more mature skin, this is a skincare routine for you. So I've been getting a lot of requests for skincare routines that are very age specific. Your age can play a part in how your skin is doing and some of the things that you're experiencing.

If you've got acne or congested pores or if you have oily skin and you don't want it to be overly shiny or if you've got dry skin just any type of skin issue that you're dealing with your skin care routine should be geared towards solving that or helping that at the very least. So it's a little hard to gear a skincare routine towards age even when it comes to something like this like an anti-aging routine.

The way your skin ages is based on so many different things one genetics but then two you know just any of the actors of your lifestyle like were you out in the sun all the time, do you spend a lot of time in the sun, have you never worn sunscreen. You know these things can really play a part in how quickly your skin starts to age or premature aging. Skincare is for anyone who is experiencing loss of elasticity, dryness, discoloration in their skin, fine lines, wrinkles just any of the stuff that starts to make you look like you are aging, this is the routine for you.

For an anti-aging routine, it's really important to not strip your skin because you want to maintain as much hydration and moisture as possible. Niacin amide won't strip your skin when you think of anti-aging you want to get everything off your skin and you want to make sure that you're not stripping it that's so important when it comes to anti-aging not stripping your skin not causing it to be dry that's what you want to avoid that dryness in the stripping because;

  • It can lead to irritation
  •  It can lead to a compromised skin barrier

which you don't want and niacin amide is great for skin barrier support. I have all of my makeup off and this is where it really truly starts to become an anti-aging routine one of the main things that you'll start to notice as you start to age and as your skin starts to just show the signs of aging is that you're lacking hydration and moisture. As you start to get older you'll start to notice that you can just take more and more hydration and more and more moisture and you can start to get into more of these occlusive moisturizers the thicker ones you might even get into slugging like it's one of those things where you just start to notice that your skin looks better. The fine lines and wrinkles start to be less apparent you know the elasticity and the plumpness to your skin gets better if you have that hydration and moisture back in your skin. So what you really need is to add hydration and moisture.

You'll start to even maybe even see like discoloration and your skin starts to lose that vitality to it and everything and you start to you lose that radiance that you have when you're younger and that's because you are aging. So you really need the hydration and the moisture to your skin.


I have normal to dry skin now during the winter time especially i have really dry skin what I want something full of antioxidants and you need those antioxidants to help just re-nourish your skin, protect your skin, strengthen it. There's so many reasons why you want the antioxidants especially as you're aging you know you want the antioxidants to also just help fight off free radicals that are just damaging our skin. Again people think that aging is mostly caused by genetics like the way you're going to end up looking and stuff but all of the outside factors are truly what are starting to cause your skin to age. So you want something that's going to fight those free radicals and antioxidants and helps to brighten your skin, helps to nourish it and just give you that overall vitality that you need.

Anti-inflammatory Products

As you get older you start to see a little bit more discoloration that redness in your skin and everything and you just want to make sure that you are using anti-inflammatory ingredients. An anti-aging routine you will benefit more from all of the different layers than someone who is 20 years old.


Making sure that you're massaging your skin and padding and being very gentle with it that's all going to be really important to just again add to the anti-aging and make your skin look like it's more youthful and more vibrant. I know people are going for a minimal skincare routine because they want to avoid irritation. Choose a product that also helps to balance your oil production the natural sebum in your skin and that's very important to protect your skin barrier.


Retinoid are so important to your anti-aging routine because they're truly the ingredient that you have to have for anti-aging they stimulate skin cell turnover which is you know the natural exfoliation; the process that your skin goes through so that it doesn't look dull. It is the only ingredient that is really truly proven to stimulate collagen production and to just make your skin look better. Overall it is the ingredient that you need if you can handle tretinoin to give you the most results. For sure I like the slow and steady routine, where I’m not going to have to deal with a lot of peeling. I’m not going to have to deal with irritation and stuff. There are tons of products that are full of antioxidants.

You need to help any kind of discoloration and redness in your skin and also bring back that color to your skin not the discoloration but the like rosy glow you want to make sure that you have that happening in your skin you need those ingredients that are going to help to brighten your skin.

Thank you

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