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6 Morning Habits for Wealth, Health and Success


6 Morning Habits for Wealth, Health and Success

If you read about any successful person, the secret of their success is not told anywhere, you will get it hidden in his morning routine. What Morning Habits I'm About to Tell You It has the strength that almost dead person who has broken 11 bones in a car accident, Make him an ultra-marathon runner. Fighting cancer, to a man in debt, inspiring millions of people, a Keynote speaker, and can make a best-selling author. That how you can change your life by changing the start of your morning. Hal, who was a victim of a terrible car accident at the age of 20, was declared dead by the doctors. His heart did not beat for almost 6 minutes; with great effort his heartbeat came back. But he was in a coma. And the doctors had said that he would never be able to walk. Hard to believe but almost 3 years after this accident, He was an ultra-marathon runner and a Hall of Fame businessman. He had just started flying in the sky of success that fate once again made him turn upside down. In October 2016, doctors told him about his cancer. Cancer and its treatment costs broke Hal financially, emotionally and physically. But he stood up again but never to stop again. How was all this possible? His Miracle Morning Habits supported him in all this. Well why have you got up today? because you had to get up, or because you wanted to get up? So that every morning you wake up with some purpose. make yourself that person, who has the power to make his life full filling and extra ordinary.

There are 4 pillars of our existence.

·         Physical

·         Intellectual

·         Emotional

·         Spiritual

Everything depends on these. So that Peace, Purpose and Determination come in your life. And the name of this routine is SAVERS.



The S of SAVERS means silence. What do you do when you wake up in the morning? Coffee in one hand, and pick up the phone in the other hand and check mail or social media, that is, in the morning you fill the outside noise inside you. Whereas for a stress-free day, the most important thing is silence. With the help of silence, you can focus on yourself. What is the most important thing in your life? You yourself. If you are, everything is there. A few minutes of silence sometimes teach you so much, which you cannot learn even after reading many books. Before you get into a hectic day when you wake up, spend a few moments with yourself. There are many ways to practice silence, as meditation, prayer, self-reflection, deep breathing, or gratitude. You can choose your preferred method. Give this step just 10 minutes in your morning, and watch how your life becomes stress free and fulfilling.



A i.e. Affirmation, Affirmation means those things that we do to ourselves knowingly or unknowingly. Affirmations gradually get converted into our beliefs, And fix like a program in our subconscious mind. That is, what you think, you become. That's why it is very important to take care of this, what are you thinking inside? If you don't design your own affirmations, so by default you will keep repeating your fears and limitations, and you will never be able to move forward in life. Tell yourself that for a few minutes in the morning, say who you want to be, and you will see that every action of yours will go on according to that. The best way to practice Affirmations is to write it down somewhere. Write what you want, why you want it. What kind of person do you have to be to get what you want? And what do you have to do for that? And at last some quotes and philosophies, that inspire you. When you repeat these with full feel and emotions for 5 minutes, a miracle will definitely be in your life too.



V Means visualization. When you do the impossible visually, it becomes possible. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and calm your mind. Imagine what you want, let your wildest dreams and deepest desires come before your eyes. During this, keep all your senses open so that you can see every detail, touch and taste and smell it. What kind of person do you have to be for what you want, feel that change inside you, visualize it. If you want to make the process of visualization easy, then prepare a visualization board for yourself. And put those all pictures and inspirations there which are related to your dream. Visualization gives clarity to your subconscious mind and programs it for hard work.



E means exercise. It is said that healthy mind lives only in a healthy body. That is, exercise is very important for both your mind and body. Yoga, push-ups, squats, pull-ups or jumping jacks, anything you can try. The purpose of this morning ritual is to increase your energy and concentration levels. So that you stay focused all day. You have to give at least 20 minutes to this ritual. What are you thinking that from where will you get so much time? But if you don't get time for your exercise, so tomorrow you will have to find time for diseases. My favorite exercise is yoga, because in this physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual, all the aspects get a chance to tap.



R means reading. How many of you do readings? The fastest way to get success is to copy someone's success. And for that it is necessary to read the books of successful people. Like we exercise for physical health, Similarly, reading is important for mental health. Along with knowledge, you also get ideas and strategies from reading. So that you can be successful in every aspect of life. You have to read something like this, first of all select the book according to your interest and requirement. Take a look at its contents and guess what you are expecting from this book. And then start reading with highlighter, pencil and a diary. Underline or highlight important points. And write the Takeaways in the diary. In this way you have to read at least 10 pages daily. If you read 10 pages daily, then in a year you will get 3650 pages. Come on, you could not read every day, yet there must be 3000 pages. That is, 10 books of at least 300 pages. Isn't it a wonderful thing.



S means scrubbing. That means writing. Write about your daily work. Take out your diary and write about what you are feeling grateful for this morning. What are you proud of? What result are you expecting throughout the day? By doing this your day gets a direction. Your work is streamlined and you feel sorted. To write about anything, you have to understand it properly. That's why when you write things by analyzing, they become clear in your mind. And the most exciting benefit of writing is that you can revise your strategies by re-reading whenever you want.


These are life-transforming miracle morning habits, but you have to wake up early in the morning to follow them. You will have to sleep by declaring what time you have to get up in the morning. An example of a bedtime affirmation, like today I am going to sleep at 11 am, I will wake up at 5 in the morning. That is, you will get 6 hours of sleep. Which is enough for my body. All successful people sleep only 5-6 hours. I will not spend my precious time extra sleeping. After this put the alarm in another corner of the room, where you have to go to close it. Keep your brush by your bed too. And keep your workout cloth ready too. Brush as soon as you wake up and wear a workout cloth. And enjoy the exercise. Sleepiness will disappear. After waking up, you will take 1 hour. But it may be that you are busy in the morning or someday you are late in getting up, or if you ever have any other important thing, then skip the ritual. No. If you want, you can complete it in 6 minutes. Just give 1 minute to every life SAVER. And you're done. That means 1-minute silence, 1 minute affirmative, 1-minute visualization, 1 minute of exercise, 1 minute of reading, and 1 minute of scribing.

How to travel from Unbearable to Unstoppable?

No one is born successful, Rather, one becomes successful only by his thinking and habits. Your habits determine your destiny. But the problem is that most of the good habits are boring. Like getting up early in the morning, but yet it is a habit. You can change it whenever you want. Psychologist believes that we can adopt any new habit in just 30 days. The only condition is that you have to do it for 30 days without stopping. You will feel very bad in the beginning days, you would like to leave it, but gradually it will become a part of your routine. Like most good habits, this miracle morning journey will also start from unbearable to Unstoppable. To make it easier, I am giving you a 30 Days Miracle Morning Challenge. For this you will need a reliable partner who can take up the challenge of adopting this habit with you. Record each other's progress and performance during this challenge, if you are successful in doing this, then understand that Miracle Morning is ready to bring Miracle in your life.


So if we summarize, then we first saw 6 morning habits, the first habit is silence, Start your day with silence. Not while scrolling social media feed in mobile. The second habit is affirmation, talk positive to yourself. Write down positive things and read them.

The third habit is visualization. Do what you want to be, visually do what you need to do to do that. What kind of person would you have to be? The fourth habit is exercise. Remember, if you will not find time for exercise today, then tomorrow you will have to take out time for diseases. 5th Habit is Reading, start by reading good books. And for the reading I have told you what to do. Keep highlighter, pencil, and a notebook with you. And the 6th is the habit, scribing. That is, write, write your thoughts, one of the best things about writing thoughts is this, that you don't have to remember everything. You put your memory on paper, and your mind is always free. After that we saw how to avoid the snooze button. All you have to do is take an alarm clock, and put it in the corner of your room so that when the alarm rings, so you have to get up and walk till there. to shut it down. And then we saw that the authors say that any habit can be formed in 30 days. You will find it very difficult for the first 10 days, in the second 10 days you will feel to quit it, and in the last 10 days you will start enjoying it. And to do all this, you have to choose a reliable partner. And you both have to keep challenging each other, keep pushing each other, And have to keep track of each other's progress So friends, if you are thinking seriously about changing your life, then know this, the first step in changing your life starts with changing your morning. A morning that will inspire you by reducing your stress and fill your whole day with creativity, energy, and positivity.

So that you can explore your full potential. And become a satisfied, successful person from an unsatisfied mediocre. This life is yours, and the day you took the responsibility of your life, on that day the power to change anything in your life will come in your hands. So get up and don't stop till you reach your destination.

Thank you

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