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Hair Care Routine in Summer


Hair Care Routine in Summer

Although good hair grows in every season but in the summer season even the worst hair can grow very well. Today I have come here to share some very simple modifications which you will do in your routine so that your hair can become one of its kind. Yes! you can achieve the best version of your hair if you read today's article carefully and implement all these things.

I have come to share with all of you some very simple modifications that you have to bring into your day-to-day life which if you undertake means if you involve them in your lifestyle, so your hair will be fine. You don't have to follow any natural remedy or routine isn't it easy? So let's know what are the simple, things that you have to take care of.


Cold Water Shower

The first thing is a cold water shower you said that we should wash our hair only with lukewarm water. Our hair gets oils, dirt and many more things that's why lukewarm water is the best option means light warm water by which you wash your hair always. But those who make braids in the summer, know that if we put a hand in the hair, what is the temperature inside? Have you seen; how hot it gets so many times that we have to open it after coming home? To combat this, you have to take a cold water shower once a week no need to make ice water but the normal tap water especially during the morning hours not during the day when boiling water comes. You put the cold water shower in your hair. You don't have to do it every day, you should always do it upside-down to keep your hair healthy and then wash it. Most of the people I've talked to, those who have a lot of hair fall It’s happening because they bath while standing under the shower they wash hair and they keep them in the same way so hair become such a touchy, by the little touch, they fall down. So that's why always wash your hair upside-down, But one a week. by taking a cold water shower, you can give temperature to your hair you can give that coolness which for them is this season can be a wonderful remedy. Yes! I told you that simple things can become a remedy if you do them properly while thinking. The first point would be cold water in the shower which you have to take once a week you will take a bath like you normally do if you want you can do shampoo as well. But at the end after doing all the process, take a shower of cold water into your hair.


Brushing Your Hair

Second modification if you are not doing this? that is, brushing your hair. see, doing comb repeatedly in winters can be okay. But in the summer season as I have told you, hits and dirt get trapped and many other things, today hair gets washed and it gets dirty on the same day. So that's why brushing is very necessary for this season. In the summer season in the morning & evening or both, the time is very good you will brush your hair properly. You know dig the tooth of your brush deeply. Do proper brushing. I am telling the truth, this could be another benefit for your hair circulation of blood comes on your scalp your intelligence becomes sharp and hair will also become strong. You will get lots of advantages if you invest in a good brush and use it too. Many people buy but don't use them at all. That's why you have to use it to do it in the morning or do it in the evening. if you have time, do it both times but brushing has to be done.



People who have super-duper dry, means today they wash hair and today it seems like Broom. You just take this and keep it in your hair like a leave-in conditioner if you have a field job. If you have to go outside and there are many tuitions, lots of things going on. Leave in conditioner, could be something magical if you don't have to use conditioner? whatever things I told you, I presume that you guys follow it.



So summertime is the best time because in winter if hair dries up, that a lot, we can't even think about using toner, etc. The summer season is one of the finest seasons, when we use this kind of toner the hair dries quickly, and becomes fresh again. You can make whatever hairstyle you want. Due to this toner, you can do hair regrowth. you can bring shine to your hair means this is an in-one conditioner, serum, and toner so if you Try them definitely there is only a one-time investment in the summer season. Please use toners, you can do it immediately after bathing if you don't want to take a bath, but for a change, if you want freshness, then you use it, I mean these are lifesavers. People whose hair doesn't set without water try to use toners maybe you will come back to say wow what a hack you told me as we really enjoyed but do the bath, not taking bath in the summer season it's like so filthy.


Hats and Scarf

Everyone loves to exercise their dress but if you carry some useful accessories with you, so you will be able to protect your hair too. For example, you can use hats you can use a scarf if you are out in the direct sun then believe me you definitely like to use hats, glares and scarf, to protect your hair and skin. Because once damaged because of the Sun, then it is very difficult to fix them, especially hair is already dead because of its outer covering, you all know that to revive them, it's very difficult that's why the precaution is better, then as compared to curing it later on. So you make friends with scarf and hats always carry some portable things in your bag, if you want to go outside in the field then use them immediately and have the best of results for yourself.


Weekly Mask

Any mask you can use, I didn't say you have to use only fenugreek or flax seeds mask whatever you are comfortable for, if you have flax seeds in the house then you can make use of it if you have fenugreek so you can make that as well. Fenugreek is a bit hot in summer so you don't want to leave it in your hair for too long just apply it & wash it off. just try to do it a little faster, if you are doing fenugreek. Just use it once a week. if you want you can try a new mask every week, there is no problem. Whenever you are confused reduce the duration. If you think I should do it or not, you can do that, just don't keep it for hours on your hair keep them for a while and then wash them off, you will get the results without any side effects.


Hair Oiling

Yes! I know it is very difficult, we feel hot while hearing. But you will not do hair wash without oil in your hair If you feel very hot and it's uncomfortable for you. You can apply oil, half an hour before bathing. just do it, after doing the oiling wash your hair, but without oiling, you won't let your hair stay, I am not saying that you do it overnight although if you can, then do for overnight. Because all are sleeping in the AC, there is no more trouble, just woke up in the morning and wash your hair so please if you can do for overnight then it's very good. If you cannot do it, please do it for 2 hours or half an hour before bathing. Without oiling you will not do hair wash otherwise, your hair will become dirtier then you will say we are following all the things except one and that one is important, so oiling is very important. You must have to do that.



The shampoo is a very important and wide topic, which has so many questions. So I want to tell my family one thing very clear you can use any shampoo provided and keep switching it. It is not that you have to use the same shampoo, again & again. If you use one bottle of dove or Pantene, then the next Shampoo should be herbal. That means you can use whichever you are comfortable with. It should be in the switch; Herbal shampoos will come from time to time. I agree they make your hair dry, they are not that much comfortable, and they will not bring that much shine but if any type of chemical build-up in your hair it will break it down and dilute that because of which your hair will be protected for the long run. Tolerate the uneasiness of the Herbal shampoo for a while. And you are going to have an amazing result in a long run. If you want to be happy for a long time, then keep on switching like this.

So I hope as always, my viewers liked this article of mine. You should bring these things into your routine to have the best results for yourself.


Thank you

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