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The Benefits of a Good Night Sleep

The Benefits of a Good Night Sleep


Today I am going to write about the importance of sleeping and some scientific health benefits of sleep. I am also going to finish with some proven sleeping tips that will ensure you get a full night's rest and make sure you get the right amount of sleep. Before that let's talk about the health benefits of sleep.


Not getting enough sleep is linked to fat:

Did you know that lack of sleep is one of the largest risk factors in obesity? In a short study on sleep duration, researchers found that adults not getting enough sleep were 55 percent more likely to be obese worse than that children were actually 89% more likely to be obese when not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleeps association with fat accumulation seems to be for a number of factors many of which are listed below.

Getting the right amount of sleep improves your hormones:

Cortisol your stress hormone is lowered with the right amount of sleep. Elevated levels of this hormone over time is associated with poor skin quality, obesity and a long list of other issues. Better sleep has also been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and raise testosterone levels which will give you more natural energy.

Good sleep improves the immune system:

Another health benefit of sleep is helping you fight off being sick. In a recent study people who slept less than seven hours a night are three times more likely to develop a cold than those sleeping over eight hours or more.

Sleeping helps improve learning:

In a Swiss university study, two groups were introduced to a new language. One group right before bed and one during the daytime. The ones who slept immediately after learning new material learned the language quicker than those in the daytime. So studying before bed seems to be a good idea.

Good sleep lowers the risk of developing depression:

In a study of twins, researchers found that bad sleep increased the genetic risk of developing depression. In fact, it has been estimated that 90% of patients with depression also suffer from some form of sleep apnea.

People get more sleep naturally eat less:

When you don't get enough sleep the fluctuations of hormones cause greater cravings and worse appetite control. So if you're someone who's trying to lose weight but just can't stay away from the late-night snacks. Getting in more sleep is something that can probably help.

Sleep helps us empathize with others:

Another strange health benefit of sleep is a better understanding of social cues.

One study found that those who are sleep deprived lose the ability to properly recognize expressions of anger and happiness in the faces of others.

Sleep improves athletic performance:

In a study of basketball players, a better night's rest improve the players’ reaction times speed and accuracy.

Now that we discuss the health benefits of sleep, let's talk about how to get a better night's rest. Here are the five sleeping tips everyone needs to know.


1.     Use blackout curtains and duct tape to black out your room.

Melatonin also known as the sleep hormone is raised when the Sun goes down to indicate to our bodies that it's time to rest. The problem is that street lights, outlets and all sorts of other unnatural lights confuse this hormone and trick it into thinking it's still daytime. Do a complete blackout of your room and you will notice a big difference in both the quality of the sleep you get and the ability to get to sleep, also computer screens and phone screens confuse melatonin as well. There are nighttime modes on these devices but it's always best just not to use them one hour before bedtime.

2.     Have a routine.

Humans are habitual creatures and creating a systematic routine will improve sleep. Something as simple as brushing your teeth, reading a book for 15 minutes and immediately going to bed is a habit you can build to make your sleep almost automatic at night.

3.     Use your bed for nothing but sleep.

The occasional physical activity goes with the habit thing but the moment you hit the bed you want the body to recognize that it's time to fall asleep. So try not to work on your bed or spend any time on it when you're not resting.

4.     Use a pillow between our underneath.

Your legs this will help to maintain the alignment of your back and improve your posture over time. It will also help those of you suffering with lower back pain. There's no perfect way to sleep but on your back is probably best as it helps maintain the alignment of your neck and spine.

5.     Napping is great.

A short 20 to 30-minute nap lowers cortisol levels and is very healthy for the body. So bring back a little bit of your childhood and do a quick catnap if feeling tired midday.


Lastly, the right amount of time for optimal sleep benefits, is seven to nine hours per night. No less than seven and no more than nine seems to be the perfect amount, you want.

Thank you

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